IFA Financial Advisers in Surrey

Life's Stages: In Retirement

Life stages approaching retirement

Once you are retired (or semi-retired, as phased retirement is becoming more popular), your children will (hopefully) no longer be financially dependent on you, you may even find yourself in a position where you want to help them out with their own mortgages and financial commitments.

Retirement will offer a new challenge to stay active and engaged in a world that you now must manage. Many people have many years, or decades even, to spend in retirement. If you have a sound financial plan you will know that you can enjoy your life, without worrying about the future.

It's a time when you might consider your children to be no longer financially dependent on you, or you may now find yourself in a position where you want to help them out with their mortgages and other commitments. This is also the time where you start to think about what inheritance planning and ways to minimise your tax burden.

Security in retirement is possible, but will need careful planning. Even the best of portfolios can disappear quickly if no thought or consideration is given.

Now is the time to fulfil all those promises you made whilst working, many people would like to travel in their retirement, but not all are financially able to fulfil those goals.

Regular meetings with your Financial Planner can help to ensure that you achieve in retirement what you have always promised yourself.

Retirement is no longer a fixed time in your life - you can take early retirement or carry on working beyond state pension age.

The value of investments and income from them may go down. You may not get back the original amount invested.

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